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We need your votes! Help us fix Charlton House’s heating system

3 March 2023

Charlton House’s storage heaters (and their lovely covers) often appear in our favourite photos of the House, but the truth is that they are out-of-date, inefficient, and – in many cases – broken in one way or another.

Over the last few months, we’ve consulted with contractors and taken steps toward ensuring our future during the colder months. Our ideal future is one where our heating is energy-efficient – friendly not only to our funds but our environment as well.

We want to return to a time where the House is open to explore year round, cosy activities for the whole family can brighten Charlton’s winter months, and our spaces are consistently comfortable to occupy, all while being sensitive to our historic fabric.

But for this to happen in the near future, we need YOU. We are in the running for a Greenwich Neighbour Growth Fund grant of £30,000 to help fix Charlton House’s broken heating system, and it is down to a community vote. If you live in the Royal Borough of Greenwich, please click through the link below, and select Royal Greenwich Heritage Trust in Area 3.

Voting closes on Sunday 12th March at 11:59pm.