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Upcoming Routine Tree Works At Charlton House

4 November 2024
Blog, Events, News, Press Release

Following an annual tree survey, Royal Greenwich Heritage Trust will be conducting routine tree works.

As a Conservation Area, on an annual basis an in-depth tree survey is carried out across the grounds of the Charlton House Estate and this year, it has been identified that a select number of trees must undergo works.

Permission for these works has been sought and granted by the Royal Borough of Greenwich and will take place on the 5th and 6th of November 2024.

7 trees are impacted* and Royal Greenwich Heritage Trust and Amber Tree Care will be conducting works with deep consideration to users of Charlton House and Gardens, local residents and the wildlife that inhabits the grounds, to ensure that minimal to no disruption is achieved wherever possible. No works will be conducted until there is assurance that no threat to either wildlife or persons is present.


“As custodians of this Conservation Area, it is of our utmost priority to ensure that we are protecting and caring for the natural environment of our Estate and doing this in a manner that allows wildlife to continue to thrive.

The safety of our Estate is our top priority and we want local residents and users of Charlton House and Grounds to continue to enjoy this beautiful environment by eliminating any future health and safety risks with these works.”

-Janet Denne, CEO


*Tree Details, extracted from the statement of works as issued by Royal Borough of Greenwich.

Horse chestnut (T250) – monolith to 6m above ground level. The tree is approximately 15m in height. Signs of dieback due to storm damage, bleeding canker and armillaria mellea.

Maple (T257) – remove major dead wood. Tree of approximately 13m in height.

Holm oak (T290)-remove major dead wood. Tree of approximately 16m in height.

Acer (T295.1) – fell Tree of approximately 16m in height. Major die back in crown, cracked limbs & rot in main stem.

Horse chestnut (T422) -remove snapped limb Tree of approximately 10m in height.

Cherry (T425) – fell Tree of approximately 6m in height. The tree is dead.

Pine (T298) – fell Tree of approximately 8m in height. The tree is dead.

All Work on trees undertaken to prevent any health & safety issues in the future.


For further information contact our Media team, who will be happy to add them to our mailing list where we will be keeping any interested parties informed of any details regarding this project or discuss plans in more detail.


If you would like to learn more about how you can help conserve and protect the beautiful grounds of Charlton House, why not Volunteer with us? Contact our Volunteering team to learn more about how you can get involved.


Royal Greenwich Heritage Trust is a registered charity, formed in 2014 to look after key structures, objects, and historic records within the Royal Borough of Greenwich. Assets in the Trust’s care include Charlton House & Gardens, Charlton Assembly Rooms, Tudor Barn, and the Museum Collections & Archive of the Royal Greenwich, as well as memorials across the Borough. Its aim is to ensure the future of the Royal Greenwich’s rich heritage whilst bringing that heritage to life for everyone, through exhibitions, tours, walks and activities.

Media Contact:
Jessica Gjini

Head of Commercial & Marketing

Royal Greenwich Heritage Trust

Volunteering Contact

Royal Greenwich Heritage Trust